19:00 |Irr/licht
violin, karmancheh: Sarvin Hazin
hurdy-gurdy: Matthias Loibner
The sound space that Sarvin Hazin, Matthias Loibner and Manu Mitterhuber create with kamancheh, hurdy-gurdy and Ambisonics effects is inspired by the stories “Recordings from the Madhouse” by Christine Lavant and ‘Three Drops of Blood’ by Sadegh Hedayat – both about stays in psychiatric clinics in the 1930s. Where ancient melodies of pain and despair, but also of moments of clarity and peace, spin in circles like thoughts, an atmosphere is created in which the listeners question themselves and their perception of the world and perhaps realize how we all live in our own “madhouse” to a certain extent.
Matthias Loibner is constantly on the move with his hurdy-gurdy across styles and times. As a sought-after artist in a wide variety of ensembles and projects all over the world, he collects the impressions of his travels, observations and encounters in the fascinating sound of the hurdy-gurdy. Ancient, never before heard, gentle and sawing, scratchy and beautiful, timeless aural images are created, fed from a large repertoire between classical, electronic, traditional and imaginative.
Sarvin Hazin, classically trained violinist and chamber musician, is familiar with Iranian and Kurdish musical traditions and is part of the European jazz scene, living and working in several musical worlds. Her involvement with traditional music is both a source of inspiration for personal and authentic sounds as well as a mission of constant reinvention and translation of musical languages.